Learn How to Help
UIC-KC is excited to walk with you in this journey of preparing you and your church family to respond when crisis strikes. Our #1 goal is for every Christian to be equipped and trained to ultimately assist individuals and families impacted by crisis. Please follow the steps below to start your journey with us.
Thank you!
Step 1 – Complete Volunteer Application: Please complete the online New Volunteer Application by clicking here.
Step 2 – Complete Online Background Check: Once you have completed and submitted the New Volunteer Application, you will receive an automatic email that will give you the link to the online background check.
Step 3 – Complete In-Person Training Course:
Within your New Volunteer Application, you should have been given one or more date/location choices to register for the in-person, “New Volunteer Orientation and Basic Training” If you have not registered, please click on the UIC-KC Training Calendar (link below) or email training@uickc.org.
At the training, you will be equipped with the basics of emotional and spiritual care to help a survivor get back on their feet.
Every volunteer who completes all three steps above, including clearing their background check, will be eligible to receive a network badge, and official deployment t-shirt.
The UIC-KC badge and t-shirt will serve as part of your official deployment uniform in the field.